Monday, January 29, 2007

The other side of ... THE SKYWALK SYSTEM

For my next "Discover Duluth" photo essay, I aborted my plans for Seven Bridges Road until A) it gets warmer outside and B) I have new shoes that don't slip up on the easiest of slopes. And, since my camera isn't too keen on the cold temps, I thought heading inside was a good idea.

Thus, downtown's Skywalk System. ("Elevate Me," left, is an outtake from today's adventure.)

While googling the history of the walkway, I found a great column by Mark Lindquist on his "Working Blue" blog, "Skywalk Fun -- Walk With Me; It's a Freak Show Up There," and its "sequel," "More Skywalk Stories."


Unknown said...

When I was eight or nine my Dad brought me around the skyway system to look for my runaway brother and sister. Oh man, those were the days.

Matthew R. Perrine said...

Yeah, I can't top that. Very nice.