Wednesday, January 3, 2007

File Under: Ouch!

As an employee of the Budgeteer, I receive the newsletter put out by one of the leading daily newspapers in Duluth.*

The recent edition included a quick ad announcing employee subscription rates. Swell, I thought, dirt cheap. I quickly called them up and said, "Sign me up." I was told I would have to stop in at their offices and sign some payroll-deduction forms. Fine. The whole process only took a few minutes.

But when I get back to our offices, there's a message on my phone saying I'm not employed directly through them, so no go.

Not a problem, but then the lady explains to me, in the nicest possible way, that I am eligible to get my paper -- a free paper -- at a discounted rate because I am an employee.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry!

*Come on, use your noggins.

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