Friday, April 27, 2007

This Week's Shameless Budgeteer Plug: Zoo pics, belly dancing, a new trail group and (even) more CD reviews

The lowdown this time around:

I took a bunch of pics for Jana's story "Zoo and City Get a Loud Wake-Up Call" -- including a full "Discover Duluth" series. (At least check out the "raging" Kingsbury Creek falls pic. I am quite proud of that one!)

"Belly Dancing Comes to Scottish Rite" -- Even if you feel "awkward" about watching seductive Middle Eastern dances, at least do yourself a favor and go to the show so you can experience the magnificent Scottish Rite Masonic Temple auditorium in all of its Egyptian-themed glory.

"Duluth Area Trails Alliance Takes Shape" -- Nice guy. Good mission. Cool pics. (OK, now I'm just tootin' my own horn.)

Finally, what would an A&E section be without some more CD reviews? This week I caught up with new releases from Ron Franklin (easily the next Dylan), the always-delightful Drew Danburry and, finally, "that other dude from the Postal Service's" other band, Dntel.

Like always, let me know what you think!

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