Monday, April 2, 2007

This Week's (Belated) Shameless Budgeteer Plug

So sorry I didn't get to this earlier. (I was busy a-movin' into my first house.)

"Conservative Publication Makes Waves at UMD" -- I feel for the Duluth Truth editor, Christina Wilson. During my college days, I was a liberal running a newspaper at a conservative campus. It was interesting to interview someone in the exact opposite position.

"Where in the World is Chris Trapper?" -- Although you might not know his name by heart, you've surely heard one of his songs (solo or with his last group, the Push Stars) on the million-plus soundtracks they've been on. Plus, he likes Dave Mehling, and that is very, very cool.

"Discover Duluth: Voices in the Fog"
-- Fog pictures from last Monday. I think they turned out really well -- so proud!

As always, if you check out any of these articles/photo galleries, please let me know what you think.

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