"At-Large City Council Race, Pt. 2" -- Last week I profiled the first four candidates running in the at-large race — Jeff Anderson, Jack Arnold, Henry Banks and Tony Cuneo — and this week I spoke with the final four: Jon Donahue, Becky Hall, Tim Little and Tony Salls. Just remember, kids: It's hip to be informed....
"Discover Duluth: Glensheen" -- Any excuse to visit Chester Congdon's London Road behemoth, and I'll be there. (Two things about the photograph at right: I shot it at Glensheen and, aside from the text, I didn't alter it in any way. Draw your own conclusions.)
"And They Call Him 'Blacklock'" -- I'm too lazy to tease this story again in any sort of creative and/or fashionable way, so here's what I wrote on the Budgeteer's Web site: "The famed Moose Lake photographer Craig Blacklock returns with 'Minnesota’s North Shore,' a large 175-image book and 3-hour DVD (which features an original score by Duluth's Ryan Rapsys)."
Finally, what's an issue of the Budge without more CD reviews from yours truly? This week I fawn over the debuts of Duluth singer/songwriter Greg Tiburzi and NYC stalwarts Phonograph. Headphones = ON.
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