"Eight Vie for At-Large City Council Seat" -- Guess what? I only talked to four of 'em this week (I don't think anyone's brain could sort through any more in one sitting): Jeff Anderson, Jack Arnold, Henry Banks and Tony Cuneo. Next week I'll catch up with the rest. Promise.
"Book Review: Minnesota State Fair Book a 'Special One'" -- I had so much fun writing this one -- I really hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I do! (p.s. Wifey dearest, if you're reading this, "Apollonia" meant nothing ... nothing!)
"Greg Tiburzi Heads Down Singer/Songwriter Path" -- Not to take too much away from my upcoming review of his solo debut, "In a Blue Haze," but Greg Tiburzi is a singer/songwriter on par with the likes of [HINT: I decided not finish this sentence -- so as you might just read my review when it comes out in a few weeks' time].
Finally, "Introducing ... Zenith City Weekly," is ... exactly what it sounds like: Say hello to the Northland's newest newspaper.
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