Friday, July 20, 2007

This Week's Shameless Budgeteer Plug: 'Geeks Gone Wild,' pics from Amity Creek and mayoral candidates 6-8 (and 1/2)

Hope y'all have a pretty nice little Saturday planned ... maybe go to the Home Depot with the wife? Bed, Bath and Beyond if you have enough time? You're not sure if you'll have enough time for both, are you?

Yeah, you're right; you'll probably be busy reading these Matthew R. Perrine "masterworks" in the Budgeteer ... the trusty ol' Budge:

"Mayoral Roundup No. 3" -- I sit down with recently announced candidates Sunny Helbacka, Reiner Nelson and John Socha (and, to a lesser extent, Mr. Nice). Now only four more to go....

"Discover Duluth: Amity Creek Trail" -- My photo essay series finally makes it around to my favorite "little" trail in Duluth. Yay!

Finally, "They Call it the 'Geek Streak'" proves what you've always suspected: Paul Lundgren is a very nice man (and oh-so-funny!). The Geek Prom founder was gracious enough to sit down with me and discuss "Geeks Gone Wild," a benefit for this year's GP streakers, who were ticketed and pepper-sprayed by a trigger-happy (so to speak) St. Paul policeman.

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