And this, right here, is the latest installment.
As always, to encourage the consumption of music that doesn't suck, I have provided -- wherever available -- links to free, artist-sanctioned MP3s of the songs.
(Questions or comments? E-mail mperrine [at] duluthbudgeteer [dot] com.)
1. White Light Riot - "Charlatan"
I know there were only a handful of people on hand for White Light Riot's performance at the Festival to End the Violence in Bayfront Festival Park, but, wow, they still put on one hell of a show!
2. Queens of the Stone Age feat. the Strokes' Julian Casablancas - "Sick, Sick, Sick"
Although you really can't "hear" Mr. Casablancas' contributions on this QOTSA rager, it's nice to know Josh Homme let him come along for the ride.
3. Billy Southern - "All the Proctor Girls"
Funny, but oh-so-wrong: "All them Proctor girls is blonde / Yeah, all them Proctor girls is blonde / It may be politically wrong but I don't care / 'Cause all them girls is blonde."
Catchy tune!
4. Modest Mouse - "You're the Good Things"
If only Mason Jennings' transition to working for Epic Records had been this smooth....
5. Dressy Bessy - "There's a Girl"
I've said this a million times, but Dressy Bessy is the best thing to ever come out of the Mile High City.
6. Spoon - "My Little Japanese Cigarette Case"
Much of "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga" is a big disappointment, but this track is right up there with the most enjoyable moments in Spoon's extensive back catalog.
7. Reel Big Fish - "You Don't Know"
Hey, give these guys a chance; they're not annoying as you might think.
8. They Might Be Giants - "The Cap'm"
Here's what I said about "The Else" (and this track from it) on eMusic:**
but it's pretty damn close! If you're curious, I'd start with "The Cap'm." Funny, hooky AND memorable!
9. Glen Phillips - "Falling"
Can't say I ever listened to Toad the Wet Sprocket growing up, but it's hard not to love Glen's solo adventures.
10. Pinback - "Seville" (demo)
This unassuming demo version builds into something offhandedly epic -- not to be missed!
11. Shelter Belt - "Shadow"
Twin Ports music fans rejoice, as Omaha's excellent Shelter Belt will be gracing us with two separate shows next weekend. Get the details here.
12. Greg Laswell - "Amazed"
As far as I can tell, Greg Laswell A) came out of nowhere but B) should stick around for awhile (hear "Through Toledo" in its entirety) and, totally unrelated, is that he C) is a funny guy.
13. The Mood Elevator - "Beginner's Luck"
Damn Raconteurs....
14. Sondre Lerche - "Night and Day" (Cole Porter cover)
My introduction to Sondre came at the University of Minnesota's Whole Club probably about five years ago now (opening for Nada Surf), and he's never failed to fascinate me since that time. He plays the kind of timeless music that is perfectly acceptable for both your grandparents' unexpected visit to your new place and ... umm *cheeks redden* playing tonsil hockey with your lady.
Oh, geez, I suppose I should offer some sort of disclaimer: These two activities should never, EVER cross paths. Grandpappy and grand-ma-ma don't need to see that!
15. Cloud Cult - "Do You Ever Think About..."
A nice excursion before ...
16. Mr. Lif - "The Fries" (remix by Abdul Malik)
Remember that really creepy scene in "Super Size Me" featuring a group of kids from fat camp singing "Pizza Hut / Pizza Hut / Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut"? Well, this song (the aural equivalent of "Fast Food Nation") samples that chant to maximum efficiency, and that's just the beginning. Brilliant, invigorating stuff here.
17. Air - "Mer du Japon"
Meanwhile, it's the only tolerable track on the new Air album....
18. Polara feat. the Jayhawks' Gary Louris - "Obsolete"
You like late-period (but pre-latest reunion) the Who? Do ya? Well, this is kind of like that.
Kind of ... but better.
19. Fleetwood Mac - "Blue Letter"
Say what you want, but it won't change the fact that I L-O-V-E the Mac. Naysayers be damned.
20. Iron & Wine - "Boy with a Coin" (single edit)
I never got into this group*** until a free MP3 on MySpace (of all places) persuaded me to give them/him a listen, and I'm glad I did. Like everything else I hear these days, it's "kind of Cloud Cult-y."
21. Lansing-Dreiden - "A Line You Can Cross"
Wow, tubular, it's like an '80s time warp! (Except a little more depressing than you were hoping for.)
22. The Replicants - "Destination Unknown" (Missing Persons cover)
I should probably know who Missing Persons were, but, when I listen to this, all I can think is: KEN ANDREWS IS GOD.
All other thoughts are, therefore, brushed under the dirty ol' rug that is my mind. <- Umm ... what? Sadly, I'm with you on that one.
23. The Bogmen - "The Big Burn"
You never forget your first couple times. There's just something about that young age when you find out A) you love music and B) it sounds a whole lot better at maximum volume. To my parents' home entertainment system (and little surround speakers that just couldn't handle it...), I apologize for this one, R.E.M.'s "Circus Envy" and Nine Inch Nails' "Dead Souls." They kind of wrecked you, didn't they?
*At least that's what my mom tells me....
**Though I recommend you purchase it at an independent retailer so you don't miss out on the fabulous bonus disc, "Cast Your Pod to the Wind," which collects the best of the group's podcast material.
***I'm not admitting anything outright, but I may have been afraid of his beard.
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