And this, right here, is the latest installment.
As always, to encourage the consumption of music that doesn't suck, I have provided -- wherever available -- links to free, artist-sanctioned MP3s of the songs.
(Questions or comments? E-mail mperrine [at] duluthbudgeteer [dot] com.)
1. Bob Log III - "Clap Your Tits"
If you can't already tell from this song's title, Bob Log III is nothing if not a gentleman. (And certainly not a drunk-and-disorderly "blueshound"....)
2. Queens of the Stone Age - "Another Love Song"
In celebration of QOTSA's Aug. 1 taking of Pioneer Hall.
3. Wilco - "Shot in the Arm" (live in Chicago)
Not to sound too redundant or anything, but this one's in celebration of Wilco's Aug. 14 taking of Bayfront Festival Park.
(On the other hand, what's with a bunch of "hip-hop" has-beens invading Bayfront Sept. 2?)
4. Simple Kid - "Kids Don't Care"
Is this song offensive to "slow" children? I sure hope not, because it has a certain "Feel Flows" ... well, flow.
5. Hum - "Comin' Home"
Ahh, yes, my first-ever show at the legendary "danceteria" First Ave. Precious, precious memories!
6. CJ Bolland - "Sugar is Sweeter" (radio edit)
Once upon a time in Spokane there was a low-power FM "barnraising," and yours truly was there representing North Dakota State University's Thunder (Web) Radio.
This is true.
(I promise to finish this story later....)
7. Alien Crime Syndicate - "Take Me to Your Leader"
Recommended if you like big, bombastic pop/punk in the key of Moth and, to a lesser extent, Motion City Soundtrack.
8. Weezer - "Paperface" (demo)
I really wanted DTAS34 to have a song from Weezer's latest studio album, "Make Believe," but I just couldn't do it. What has become of Rivers Cuomo?
The outlook for the future of Weezer looks even more bleak when you go back -- way back -- to this demo recorded before the "blue album" made them household names (well, at least in the homes of good people like you). This actually rocks.
9. Moth - "Sticks and Stones"
Wow, Moth ... again, on DTAS -- what a surprise!
R.I.Y.L. being the only one in the room (besides my darling wife) who knows just who the hell Handsome Devil is, and why you should actually care.
10. Kelley Deal 6000 - "Box"
Another "find" at Four Thousand Holes in Spokane. Good stuff.
... And damn them for having so much good stuff. I nearly broke the bank on that shopping excursion!
11. The Strokes - "Last Nite" (demo)
I know, I know -> "What, you mean the songs they release on their albums aren't just demos?"
No, I'm pretty sure the Strokes pay a lot of money to make their tunes sound like really, really ridiculously good demos.
12. Built to Spill - "Fling"
Doug Martsch has a knack for crafting the most beautiful tunes this side of George Harrison.
13. Imperial Teen - "Our Time"
I burned through the IT records so fast during DTAS's inaugural "radio" run that I'm finally coming around to them again. For this group, there are no "B-sides."
14. Vegetarian Meat - "Trip"
R.I.Y.L. Stephen Malkmus/Pavement and the best the immortal Velvet Underground had to offer (no joke). <- I find this kind of interesting, actually, as Charles Douglas (one-half of Vegetarian Meat) went on to record a solo album, "The Lives of Charles Douglas," with VU's Maureen Tucker. (Oh, yeah, it's fantastic; check it out.)
15. Sloan - "The Other Man"
Dirty dirty dirty.
16. Cloud Cult - "Pretty Voice"
Like Built to Spill's Doug Martsch, the world of Cloud Cult's Craig Minowa is one of supreme beauty.
17. Ryan Adams - "Everybody Knows"
I know it's "so passe" to express your undying love and devotion to the records of Ryan Adams, but I truly liked "Easy Tiger" in its entirety -- and here's proof.
18. The Handsome Charlies - "Makes Me Love You"
The second coming of the Beatles? This is some quality stuff right here. I shall try to dig up some more.
19. Spoon - "The Underdog"
Our Spoon is back and they've got another record....
20. Blind Melon - "2x4"
"I'm talkin' / I'm talkin' to myself more."
R.I.P. Shannon Hoon, I still remember the day.
21. Citizens Here and Abroad - "Stranger"
CHAA combines the best aspects of Dealership (aka my favorite band*) and that of their buddies in Secadora. I'm sure you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but you should trust me ... this is my life. ("Stranger" isn't available for free, but numerous others -- including tracks from CHAA and Dealership -- are here.)
22. The Afghan Whigs - "I'm a Soldier"
I've been told not to call it a comeback, but, hey, wouldn't that be nice? (As nice as the "Twin Peaks" pilot finally getting a proper DVD release in the "Nifty 50"!)
23. Mark Mallman and Vermont - "Too Hot"
It's all too beautiful.
Oh, God, it's insatiable.
24. Elliott Smith - "Either/Or"
Like Shannon Hoon....
*To be fair, this is a title shared with a number of other groups, including -- but certainly not limited to -- ELO, the Pixies, Marah, Atmosphere, the Who, Cheap Trick, Roy, Best Friends Forever, Cordalene, Cloud Cult, My Diet Pill, Pearl Jam, Mason Jennings, everything in Duluth, Beulah, the Impossibles, Self, the Plastic Constellations, Valet, anything Charles Douglas touches and so many more** that it's becoming impossible to be me.
**If your band isn't listed above, there is a standard form to fill out to become "One of Matthew R. Perrine's 12,000-odd Favorite Bands."
You should really think about applying....
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