I still can't get over getting my letter published in Playboy. The 12-year-old inside me is beside himself. LOL
1. Dr Pepper Family - "Can't Recall"
My all-time favorite Belgian rock band (just squeaking past Starfighter and Metal Molly) is back, and the results are, as expected, transcendent.
2. Sebastien Grainger - "Love Can Be So Mean"
The solo career of Death From Above 1979's Sebastien Grainger is, oddly enough, a dead ringer for the pre-"Happiness Ltd." Hot Hot Heat sound. [Some fun downloads here.]
3. The New Monarchs - "No Commotion"
So sayeth the Budgeteer (once again): While there’s not a bum note [on "Blueprints"], some immediate standouts for curious potential listeners would be “Common,” for fans of “Com Lag”-era Radiohead; the IDM-tastic “No Commotion,” which shines on like a quirky Valet diamond; and “You’ll Always Know,” which is quite possibly the most gorgeous track I’ve heard in months.
4. Electric Light Orchestra - "Mr. Blue Sky"
For whatever reason, the Democrats used "Mr. Blue Sky" at about every rally this campaign season, so it's about time I take it back in the name of ... just kidding; I can see why they used it and, if Obama ever needed a nickname, I don't think Jeff Lynne would mind him "nicking" this song's title.
5. Ra Ra Riot - "Can You Tell"
The new Rogue Wave? Quite possibly.
6. Del the Funky Homosapien - "The News (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Microsoft Inc.)"
Cool interlude, humorous but dated (try Google...) title.
7. Brother Ali - "Mr. President (You're the Man)" [MP3]
Sure, the production's a little "phoned in," but this one's an instant classic for its message.
8. The New Standards - "Hey Ya" [OutKast cover]
Not as fun as the Supersuckers' version, but a worthy spin nonetheless.
9. Nirvana - "Lounge Act [Z-Trip Remix]" [MP3]
This Stargate-ready remix works because it brings out Kurt's haunting vocals.
10. Yo Majesty - "F----- Up"
From my review of "Futuristically Speaking ... Never Be Afraid" in the Duluth Budgeteer News: ... I’d peg “F----- Up” and “Get Down on the Floor” as the best places to start. These tracks — which Jewel B and Shunda K actually wrote with the members of Hardfeelings — are both extremely easy on the ear and, were it not for the in-your-face lyrics, would be strong contenders for high chart positions.
11. Rhymefest - "Stick"
A little sleazy for my beloved mix tapes, but, hey, I've already made a Stargate reference tonight....
12. Danzig - "Cantspeak"
No matter how hard I try, I still think of Beavis and Butt-head's "ploppy" description of this song's music video when I listen to it/attempt to enjoy it.
13. The Melismatics - "Soul Sucker"
According to my Budgeteer CD review (he he), I sure liked this track's "host album": ... You’d be hard-pressed to find any songs on ["The Acid Test"] that wouldn’t work as singles. There’s a trio of songs on “The Acid Test” that Clear Channel programmers should lose their jobs over if they don’t hear the appeal: “Digging Deep,” “Going for the Kill” and the aforementioned “Soul Sucker.”
14. Beloved Binge - "Miso (I Don't Like People)"
And, yep, looks like I'll again be leaning back on previously published words of mine: Seamlessly blending the best aspects of Grnd Ntl Brnds, the Geraldine Fibbers and all Calvin Johnson’s projects (most notably his work with Built to Spill’s Doug Martsch in the Halo Benders), their new album, “Blender Theory,” gets off to a terrific start with “(Got) Married on MySpace.” The song’s concept may seem a little hokey, but, once you hear its hyperactive chord progressions, you won’t give it a second thought. Not to be pigeonholed, Rob Beloved and Eleni Binge follow up that spastic track with “Miso (I Don’t Like People),” a mellow number akin to latter-day Imperial Teen. The majority of “Blender Theory” follows along those lines, showcasing the group’s flair for both the highs and the lows.
15. The Plasticines - "Under Control"
Best Friends Forever meets Ace of Base?
16. Tears for Fears - "Pale Shelter"
Hate all you want, but you know there's a group as embarassing as this on your iPod!
17. Scapegoat Wax - "Space to Share"
If I had to do junior high all over again, this is the song I would be requesting at all those awkward dances in Crosby-Ironton High School's cafeteria....
18. Cracker - "Hold of Myself"
A meandering track that manages to redeem itself in the end with lyrics about *ahem* man's best friend.
19. The Wrens - "In Turkish Waters" [MP3]
This is what Wrens bassist/vocalist Kevin Whelan had to say about this track when confronted by Stereogum: "This is a Wrens demo that I worked up for the band in our kitchen in our New Jersey band house. Eventually another Wrens version will see the light of day ... hopefully, the light of that day will be before 2015...."
20. Harold Faltermeyer - "Axel F"
"Family Guy" gold!
21. Mighty Fairly - "Closer to End"
I'm sure you're probably hating my shameless-self-promotin' ass right about now, but, as my imaginary kids say, "Again! Again!" OK then: This isn’t to say “Big Words” lacks the fun of its predecessor, but some of the bright and bouncy moments have been replaced with easy-to-swallow songs about a certain four-letter word (“Closer to End,” “Save Your Love” and, as if it escaped from “Songs for Silverman,” “Live for Love”) and ones that are unfailingly epic (the poignant “Alaska,” for one). (Hint: This one works even better if you happened to be married to a Sarah.)
22. Tim DeLaughter and the Polyphonic Spree - "The Crash"
A nice little interlude before ...
23. Janove Ottesen - "Go Tell Her"
another mix tape-closing love song. Ahh....
Thus concludes your thirty-third dose of SHAKE*YOUR*SHORES, the awesome mix tape series formerly known as "Don't Tell a Soul."
1. Dr Pepper Family - "Can't Recall"
My all-time favorite Belgian rock band (just squeaking past Starfighter and Metal Molly) is back, and the results are, as expected, transcendent.
2. Sebastien Grainger - "Love Can Be So Mean"
The solo career of Death From Above 1979's Sebastien Grainger is, oddly enough, a dead ringer for the pre-"Happiness Ltd." Hot Hot Heat sound. [Some fun downloads here.]
3. The New Monarchs - "No Commotion"
So sayeth the Budgeteer (once again): While there’s not a bum note [on "Blueprints"], some immediate standouts for curious potential listeners would be “Common,” for fans of “Com Lag”-era Radiohead; the IDM-tastic “No Commotion,” which shines on like a quirky Valet diamond; and “You’ll Always Know,” which is quite possibly the most gorgeous track I’ve heard in months.
4. Electric Light Orchestra - "Mr. Blue Sky"
For whatever reason, the Democrats used "Mr. Blue Sky" at about every rally this campaign season, so it's about time I take it back in the name of ... just kidding; I can see why they used it and, if Obama ever needed a nickname, I don't think Jeff Lynne would mind him "nicking" this song's title.
5. Ra Ra Riot - "Can You Tell"
The new Rogue Wave? Quite possibly.
6. Del the Funky Homosapien - "The News (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Microsoft Inc.)"
Cool interlude, humorous but dated (try Google...) title.
7. Brother Ali - "Mr. President (You're the Man)" [MP3]
Sure, the production's a little "phoned in," but this one's an instant classic for its message.
8. The New Standards - "Hey Ya" [OutKast cover]
Not as fun as the Supersuckers' version, but a worthy spin nonetheless.
9. Nirvana - "Lounge Act [Z-Trip Remix]" [MP3]
This Stargate-ready remix works because it brings out Kurt's haunting vocals.
10. Yo Majesty - "F----- Up"
From my review of "Futuristically Speaking ... Never Be Afraid" in the Duluth Budgeteer News: ... I’d peg “F----- Up” and “Get Down on the Floor” as the best places to start. These tracks — which Jewel B and Shunda K actually wrote with the members of Hardfeelings — are both extremely easy on the ear and, were it not for the in-your-face lyrics, would be strong contenders for high chart positions.
11. Rhymefest - "Stick"
A little sleazy for my beloved mix tapes, but, hey, I've already made a Stargate reference tonight....
12. Danzig - "Cantspeak"
No matter how hard I try, I still think of Beavis and Butt-head's "ploppy" description of this song's music video when I listen to it/attempt to enjoy it.
13. The Melismatics - "Soul Sucker"
According to my Budgeteer CD review (he he), I sure liked this track's "host album": ... You’d be hard-pressed to find any songs on ["The Acid Test"] that wouldn’t work as singles. There’s a trio of songs on “The Acid Test” that Clear Channel programmers should lose their jobs over if they don’t hear the appeal: “Digging Deep,” “Going for the Kill” and the aforementioned “Soul Sucker.”
14. Beloved Binge - "Miso (I Don't Like People)"
And, yep, looks like I'll again be leaning back on previously published words of mine: Seamlessly blending the best aspects of Grnd Ntl Brnds, the Geraldine Fibbers and all Calvin Johnson’s projects (most notably his work with Built to Spill’s Doug Martsch in the Halo Benders), their new album, “Blender Theory,” gets off to a terrific start with “(Got) Married on MySpace.” The song’s concept may seem a little hokey, but, once you hear its hyperactive chord progressions, you won’t give it a second thought. Not to be pigeonholed, Rob Beloved and Eleni Binge follow up that spastic track with “Miso (I Don’t Like People),” a mellow number akin to latter-day Imperial Teen. The majority of “Blender Theory” follows along those lines, showcasing the group’s flair for both the highs and the lows.
15. The Plasticines - "Under Control"
Best Friends Forever meets Ace of Base?
16. Tears for Fears - "Pale Shelter"
Hate all you want, but you know there's a group as embarassing as this on your iPod!
17. Scapegoat Wax - "Space to Share"
If I had to do junior high all over again, this is the song I would be requesting at all those awkward dances in Crosby-Ironton High School's cafeteria....
18. Cracker - "Hold of Myself"
A meandering track that manages to redeem itself in the end with lyrics about *ahem* man's best friend.
19. The Wrens - "In Turkish Waters" [MP3]
This is what Wrens bassist/vocalist Kevin Whelan had to say about this track when confronted by Stereogum: "This is a Wrens demo that I worked up for the band in our kitchen in our New Jersey band house. Eventually another Wrens version will see the light of day ... hopefully, the light of that day will be before 2015...."
20. Harold Faltermeyer - "Axel F"
"Family Guy" gold!
21. Mighty Fairly - "Closer to End"
I'm sure you're probably hating my shameless-self-promotin' ass right about now, but, as my imaginary kids say, "Again! Again!" OK then: This isn’t to say “Big Words” lacks the fun of its predecessor, but some of the bright and bouncy moments have been replaced with easy-to-swallow songs about a certain four-letter word (“Closer to End,” “Save Your Love” and, as if it escaped from “Songs for Silverman,” “Live for Love”) and ones that are unfailingly epic (the poignant “Alaska,” for one). (Hint: This one works even better if you happened to be married to a Sarah.)
22. Tim DeLaughter and the Polyphonic Spree - "The Crash"
A nice little interlude before ...
23. Janove Ottesen - "Go Tell Her"
another mix tape-closing love song. Ahh....
Thus concludes your thirty-third dose of SHAKE*YOUR*SHORES, the awesome mix tape series formerly known as "Don't Tell a Soul."
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