Sunday, November 16, 2008

Haley Bonar, the Streets, circa a.m., Hand Over Fist and the Mighty Underdogs

What's I've learned this weekend: The "Stewie head" box set Amazon is selling isn't something you want to wake up to....

"Bonar: 'I Don't Have a Degree, I Have Records'" :: Haley Bonar has a problem: She’s big enough to have a lot of information about her on the Internet, but not big enough for these so-called experts to get their facts straight. An entertaining Q-and-A with my former University of Minnesota Duluth "classmate." (We both only attended UMD for one school year, 2001 to 2002, so there's a chance we had a class together....)

"CD Reviews: The Streets, Hand Over Fist and the Mighty Underdogs" :: It's another hip-hop blowout: The Streets’ “Everything is Borrowed,” Doomtree side project Hand Over Fist’s self-titled debut and the Mighty Underdogs’ “Droppin’ Science Fiction.”

"circa a.m. @ World of Wheels"
:: I'm not very fond of this photo set from Halloween -- largely because the Budgeteer's Web site, for whatever reason, won't let me edit my images' captions (beyond what I entered initially) -- but it does feature some nice shots (in theory) and guest appearances by Andy Perfetti and members of the Surfactants.


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