"A New Home for Blues Fest" -- Through a series of interviews, press conferences and Web-exclusive stories (which were very well-received, by the way), we finally nailed it: Bayfront Blues Festival, Duluth's second-largest event (behind Grandma's Marathon), is moving 10 minutes down I-35 to the Buffalo House complex. While nothing's in stone yet, that's the word from festival president Chris Mackey.
THIS JUST IN: As I was prepping this blog entry, I got a rather ... contradictory e-mail from Duluth Mayor Herb Bergson: "Blues Fest was never leaving the city. It will be here again this year."
"Megastardom 101: A Blue Man Breaks His Silence" -- Matthew Banks, one of Vegas' Blue Men (who also just happens to be out on the road for How to Be a Megastar Tour 2.0, which is coming to Duluth March 28), was gracious enough to speak with me. Man, I am so f*cking excited to see these guys -- I feel like a child going to his or her first baseball game. I mean, I've been a huge fan of their "The Complex" album since it came out a few years back. For my money, nothing tops "Time to Start," "Your Attention" and, the grandaddy of 'em all, "What is Rock." (Before I forget, the show's opener, Mike Relm, has a great free download at MP3.com and numerous DVDJ clips on YouTube.)
"Duluth Public Schools Exhibit Showcases Student Art" -- I'm a little jealous. I wish they had annual art shows when I was going to school on the Cuyuna Range. Who knows, maybe I could've started "Discover Duluth" in third grade ... ha!
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