Many of these I scraped together from various free sources online -- mostly eMusic, though. I was feeling generous, so I decided to lend out a helping hand and link to wherever I found them. (At the time of posting, they were still free.)
1. Modest Mouse - "Dashboard"
Everything you liked about "Float On" (except the undercurrent of infinite sadness) is here, so I think it's safe to say, in my suavest (yet a little rough) voice, "I know you gonna dig this."
2. The Strays - "Bastards of Young" (Replacements cover)
How do you improve on one of Minneapolis' most legendary anthems?
You can't.
But this holy rollin', scream-to-high-hell** version is the closest anyone could possibly get to matching it.
3. Arcade Fire - "Black Mirror"
I have this strange sense (a sixth one, perhaps?) every time I listen to this that I'll look out of the corner of my eye and my chihuahua will be mouthing "black mirror."
Other than that nightmarish image, the song continues Arcade Fire's fine tradition of rendering every other 2007 release uninspired by comparison.
(I must admit, "Neon Bible" is slowly inching its way up to the No. 1 spot <- despite any previous comments to the contrary.)
4. SoftLightes - "Heart Made of Sound"
I gave these guys a spin because they're on Modular (home of my beloved Avalanches), but they definitely hold their own. Plus, it's free, so you really have no excuse not to enjoy it.
5. Bumblebeez 81 - "Pony Ride"
There are no words for this long, strange trip (with amazing bass!).
6. Clipse feat. Pharrell - "Blaze of Glory"
From the occasionally excellent Star Trak label showcase "Clones." Check it out.
7. Chin Up Chin Up - "Water Planes in Snow"
"Ice, ice, ice, ice...."
8. The Tyde - "Glassbottom Lights (James Figurine remix)"
This band is traditionally the indie rock equivalent of the Beach Boys (basically, the ladies dig both of 'em), so to hear them "technofied" in a non-annoying way is quite a treat.
9. Tim Fite - "I've Been Shot"
The funniest fake rap song that actually has somewhat of a groove. Just try not wince when Fite sings "Got a bullet hole in my penis."
10. Junior Senior - "Move Your Feet"
For fans of the Jackson 5 and Har Mar Superstar (with a pinch* of the Avalanches). Needless to say, it's big with the kids.
11. Hit the Switch - "Imperial Horizon"
It teeters on the verge of snotty punk, but they pull it off. Rancid Jr. perhaps?
12. J Church - "I've Got a Crazy Feeling"
What is that, an accordion? J Church attempts ska, in their own f*cked-up way? Who cares, I like it.
13. The Roots - "Dilltastic Vol Wonder(ful)"
A haunting tribute to hip-hop's J Dilla, who passed away just over a year ago after struggling with TTP and Lupus.
14. Soundgarden - "Head Down"
When's the last time you rediscovered "Superunknown"? It's somehow better than you remember....
15. Feist - "One Year A.D."
Dave Mehling turned me on to this femme fatale. Very nice.
16. Smoking Popes - "I Know You Love Me"
The more I think about it, I don't think there's a song that's more fun to sing along to than this one.
"This world is freezing cold...."
17. Baboon - "King of the Damned Laser Gag"
If you would've approached me in the early '90s when Baboon was just starting to make records, I would've laughed if you would've said they had a "Something Good is Going to Happen" in them. First of all, it defied all expectations from the group, but, more than that, it took hard rock to a place no one could've ever imagined. Hopefully they can pull it off again with their upcoming, self-titled release, which is expected to drop Oct. 10.
18. Snowden - "Black Eyes"
This was really a great find. Thanks, eMusic! (In my best I-should-be-getting-paid-to-say-this-because-I'm-so-damned-excited-it-can't-be-natural "voice.")
19. Sloan - "Who Loves Life More?"
Another MP3 player "discovery." How in the hell could I have passed this one up on the album proper for so long?
Either way, the best "classic rock" recorded in the 2000s.
20. Frightened Rabbit - "The Greys"
Definitely not classic rock. More like an independent record store employee's mix tape fodder....
21. The A Sides - "Cinematic"
Very nice percussion. It's almost -- dare I say? -- cinematic.
22. Wilco - "What Light"
Wilco does Dylan.
If Dylan had penned "What Light"....
23. The Sandwiches - "Good Morning (Alright)"
I'll admit, this is over-the-top dork rock, but the Sandwiches always leave yours truly with a smile.
Who needs expensive medications? No one loves life more than I.
And, to prove it, I'll use one of those "emoticon" smiley faces favored by little girls (and Perverted Justice team members).
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
OK, I was kidding. Totally kidding. Go to bed already.
OMG, I totally went there.
That's just silly.
*Sorry, I loathe music reviewers when they abuse that expression.
**At least for the first five seconds....
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