You know the drill: You read. You giggle and/or vomit in your mouth. You get excited. You listen. You hurt your face smiling from ear to shining ear. You thank your lucky stars for awesome mix tapes.
Submitted for the approval of the Mix Tape Appreciation Society, I call this one "And On Your Right..." -- yeah, uh huh. (Note: I've had quite the wild ride the last few weeks, so that's why there are two "covers" this week. The first one was stolen -- and subsequently fiddled with -- from my buddy Matt Kobberdahl, who is the driving force behind the new band Skillsaw Symphony. And No. 2 is between me, my lady and Clearwater Lake....)
1. Remy Zero - "Glorious #1"
Yes! Finally somebody wrote a song about me! he he he
2. Felt - "Protagonists"
Slug + Murs + Aesop Rock (on production) = An indie(-ish) rap eargasm. ("Eww" is right.)
3. The Plastic Constellations - "Mazatlan"
Before he made his $$$ as Lazerbeak in Doomtree and Hand Over Fist, Aaron Mader was just one of the Plastics. And what a Plastic he was!
4. Tears for Fears - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
The other night at the Red Star nightclub in Fitger's the DJ was only spinning '80s pop masterpieces. It kind of felt like a scene from "American Psycho," but it was splendid fun nonetheless. But maybe that's because everyone in my entourage is still alive. LOL
5. fun. - "Light a Roman Candle with Me"
I love being in love (so sayeth this group's last incarnation, the Format). And, yes, I am proud of that "man vag" you'll discover in my armpit. ha ha ha
6. Kristoff Krane - "Easy Way Out"
Recommended to me by Jesse "Jaze" Unger of local hip-hop favorites Kritical Kontact, so you know it's good, my friends.
7. Brother Ali - "Us" [Video Edit]
HipHopDX.com gave this track's album a 4.5 out of 5. Congrats, Ali!
8. Amanda Blank - "Something Bigger, Something Better"
Fans of M.I.A. will dig this trippy/hypnotic/ethereal after-midnight thriller from the new Ms. Nasty.
9. TV on the Radio - "I Was a Lover"
Similarly, this after-bar-close cut will keep you mesmerized while you think about missed connections, the new smell of your clothes, how you'll feel the next morning ... you know, life stuff.
10. David Dondero - "Journal Burning Party"
In case you missed my recent news alert concerning this sent-from-above musical talent: He's from Duluth!
11. The Stereo - "Count on Me"
You can, A.J.H. The rest of you? S--- out of luck. ha ha ha
12. Accident Clearinghouse - "Bird on the Wing"
Like the Beatles' early mellow cuts? So does the Clearinghouse.
13. brakesbrakesbrakes - "If I Should Die Tonight"
"... Would you tell her that I loved her?" (No, I'm not trying to get you to puke in your mouth -- that's actually how the song goes!)
14. The SpongeTones - "Alayna"
Like the Beatles' mid-period mid-tempo cuts? So do the SpongeTones.
15. Weezer - "No Other One"
Yeah, it's a little f----- up for a love song, but I dig it. And always have.
16. RJD2 - "Exotic Talk"
You know how neon lights leave streaks across your field of vision when [REMOVED FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT'S SAKE]? This could very well be that awesome song you hear playing in the background. Like a "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" montage or something.
17. The Beatles - "I Want to Hold Your Hand" ["Love" vers.]
Like the Beatles' after-the-fact studio wizardry? Oh, wait.... (p.s. I don't want to brag or anything, but I managed to catch the "Love" show in Vegas this past week at the Mirage and, man alive, it was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed in my life!)
18. Fuzzbubble - "Bliss"
Makes me wanna rock more than fake plastic guitars. (And this hot rocker comes equipped with choice lyrics to boot: "I don't want to fight, but everyone is wrong and I am right.")
19. Possum Dixon - "What You Mean"
And this one makes me wanna beat on more than fake plastic drums. (And please don't read that the wrong way. ha ha ha)
20. Looner - "I Love My Tamagotchee!"
Hey, remember when I interviewed this spunky husband-and-wife indie rock duo before they hit up Superior? Oh, well ... now you do!
21. Fleetwood Mac - "Over & Over"
A friend who digs the 'Mac is a friend indeed.
22. The Black Crowes - "A Train Makes a Lonely Sound"
Back on top of the world. As they should be.
23. The Jayhawks feat. Matthew Sweet - "All the Right Reasons"
The most romantic song since "Tupelo Honey"? Perhaps. (Sorry, Van!)
24. The Flaming Lips - "When You Smile"
This one's similarly romantic, but in more of a nontraditional/Cloud Cult doing "Chemicals Collide" kind of way.
Thus concludes your sixtieth dose of SHAKE*YOUR*SHORES, the awesome mix tape series formerly known as "Don't Tell a Soul." Hope you enjoyed the fix!
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