"All Eyes on the Lake" :: This weekend's cover photo, taken during last Wednesday's (good weather) yacht races on Lake Superior from the Northland Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Lakewalk.
"Fun on One (Tank of Gas): Ironworld" :: The Bob Dylan exhibit "Tangled Up in Ore" highlights Ironworld’s summer season. I traveled up to the Chisholm staple to take lots of pictures (check out my "The Faces and Places of Ironworld" photo gallery -- of which today's "poster" is an outtake) and chat up its marketing coordinator, Beth Pierce.
"Dylan Book 'Positively Main Street' Back in Print" :: To celebrate the book’s reissue by the University of Minnesota Press, its author, Toby Thompson, spoke to the Budgeteer in a phone interview from his summer home in Montana.
"Like a Born-Again Dylan Fanatic, Pt. 1" :: A column. A tease: I was recently in the sadly misinformed camp that thinks, If Dylan doesn’t care about us, why should we care about him? (The “us” meaning residents of either Duluth, his birthplace, or Hibbing, his hometown.)
"Like a Born-Again Dylan Fanatic, Pt. 2" :: Phase two, in which Doris gets her oats again? No, no, that's not right. -> Try this: Phase two, in which Matthew R. Perrine bares his soul and comes close to losing his second wife ... ha! More exciting, no? I kid; here's another tease: Now that I know that Dylan wasn’t exactly “feeling the love” as a kid in Hibbing, I can return, wholeheartedly, to those records I fell in love with seven years ago, and truly appreciate Minnesota’s most important gift to the world.
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