Anywho, here's some reading material for your glorious weekend:
"Discover Duluth: Great Lakes Aquarium" :: Though it hasn’t been without its fair share of financial problems, Great Lakes Aquarium is still a fun place to go — especially for those with children in their company. (A photo tour of the joint.)
"The Twin Ports' Very Own Late-Night Talk Show" :: Don Yoder is a talk show host of another breed, and, fittingly, he wants "Late Nite with Don" to stand out from other talk shows.
"'Cosmic Break' for Local Bands Only a Few Clicks Away" :: Detroit Lakes' 10,000 Lakes Festival offering regional bands a chance to share the stage with the Flaming Lips and other luminaries.
"Joining a Fan Club" :: Esteemed watercolor artist Cheng-Khee Chee — aka “Duluth’s Cultural Ambassador to the World” — made a surprise appearance at the reception for Ladona Tornabene’s “Living the Dream” photography exhibit Tuesday afternoon at Master Framing Gallery. Tornabene (right), clearly a fan, enthusiastically introduced Chee to a majority of those in attendance. (A standalone photo.)
"The Wedding Planner Has Arrived" :: Margilyn Valle only opened up her shop in November, but is already making a number of connections — thanks in part to belonging to the Association of Bridal Consultants, a one-of-a-kind international trade association that’s dedicated to wedding professionals worldwide. (The latest entry in my "Getting Down to Business" series.)
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