As always, to encourage the consumption of music that doesn't suck, I have provided -- wherever available -- links to free, artist-sanctioned MP3s of the songs.
Kawaba! Kawaba! Kawaba!
(Questions? Comments? Want one of your band's songs to be considered for an upcoming awesome mix tape? E-mail mperrine [at] duluthbudgeteer [dot] com.)
1. Smashing Pumpkins - "Tarantula" (listen here)
I thought I'd give it a shot because, hey, this band's given me so many great memories over the years....
2. Rory Allen Phillips - "Faking a Feeling" (some downloads here)
The man with the golden ear -- he helped found, among other outfits, the Impossibles, the Stereo and slowreader -- recently struck out on his own, and the results are as satisfying as anything else in his illustrious career.
3. Pearl Jam - "Untitled" (from "Live on Two Legs")
What a beautiful, beautiful song -> I'm really glad this was able to find its way onto a record of some sort.
4. The Beta Band - "Round the Bend"
Oh, man, back in '99 this was my fucking anthem!
5. The Decemberists - "The Perfect Crime #2" (A Touch of Class remix) (listen here, download others)
I've never been too keen on the Decemberists' sound, but anything A Touch of Class touches comes straight from the heavens.
6. The Pixies - "The Happening"
Paging Gonzo Science.... (This was supposed to go on my UFO mix tape -- influenced by GS's Area 61 convention, I'm sure -- which, sadly, kind of went by the wayside.)
7. Statistics - "No Promises" (DL other Statistics MP3s here) (and here!)
I want to make a really bad joke about combining my two favorite things in life (glamorous indie rock 'n' roll and stats), but I just can't muster the strength. LOL
8. Voxtrot - "Kid Gloves"
You like Best Friends Forever and the Wedding Present? Then maybe you try on Voxtrot for size, "bruddah."
9. Goldrush - "Feel" (DL others here) (and here too)
This sounds a lot like modern-day Nada Surf. <- A good band to rip off if I ever did hear one.
10. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - "I Won't Back Down"
After listening to Pearl Jam's cover of this song incessantly a couple months back, I just had to return to the source material. As tasty as ever. (Did anyone else out there listen to Brainerd's kickass "Power Loon" radio station throughout, like, their entire formative years?)
11. Big Star - "I'm in Love with a Girl"
A big cyber-hug (ha ha ha) to Briana Smith, for introducing me to these guys so many years ago. She knew I'd love Big Star -- she just knew it.
12. Badfinger - "Love is Easy"
Man, I was really in a classic rock mood when I drafted this mix tape. Nonetheless, the day I stop digging the Badfinger action is the day you have permission to brand me a soul-suckin' jerk (and/or pretentious asshole).
13. Supergrass - "It's Not Me"
Music to fall in love to. Sincerely.
14. J Church - "Anybody" (some hard-to-find MP3s here)
When they're on, they're on. Melodic punk never sounded sweeter.
15. Grickle-Grass - "Tractor Beam"
FYI: These guys jump out of your speakers just like the Plastic Constellations, so remember that when you're planning your next party mix.
16. Radiohead - "Jigsaw Falling Into Place"
"In Rainbows" was, as a whole, overrated, I'll agree -- but you can't deny the immediate appeal of this mesmerizing track.
17. Pigeonhed feat. Jerry Cantrell - "Marry Me"
Alice in Chains' Jerry Cantrell is one of the most underrated guitarists (and songwriters, while we're at it) of all time, so it was with great pleasure that I stumbled across this Pigeonhed collaboration at the local Pawn America the other day.
18. Ed Harcourt - "Hanging with the Wrong Crowd"
I don't know where this guy came from (or where he's going), but everything he records is utterly beautiful. -> If I were a rich man, I would proposition him to record a this-is-so-gonna-pay-for-itself ballad for my lovely little lady.
19. Pedro the Lion - "Indian Summer" (some free MP3s available here) (here too!)
Man, these guys should've been HUGE!
20. The Webb Brothers - "All the Cocaine in the World"
A tender little ditty about *ahem* the white stuff. A-ha.
21. Miles - "Pretty Day"
Kind of poppy, but kind of infectious at the same time.
22. The Black Crowes - "Wiser Time"
I'm not even kidding when I say that this C&W-tinged anthem makes me want to move to Wyoming, buy a big ol' ranch and ... set up shop against an old, rickety wooden fence. I mean, I know I couldn't pull off one of those iconic cowboy poses, but it sure would be fun trying!
23. Sun Kil Moon - "Tiny Cities Made of Ashes" (Modest Mouse cover)
It's weird, right, that Mark Kozelek recorded an entire album of Modest Mouse covers? ... Is Isaac Brock the next Dylan??
Stupid questions aside, this is one of the most beautiful tracks I have ever heard. A nice song to daydream to.
("Poster" credits: Original image courtesy of Dynamic Video Images of Ft. Lauderdale and/or Naples, Fla. -- digital manipulation by yours truly.)