Don't be misconceived: Only one pigeon had to die at the hands of Skywalk for this edition's cover art....
1. Jets to Brazil - "You're the One I Want"
Jawbreaker with strings? Magnificent.
2. J. Church - "Alone When She Dies"
Who knew punk could have a heart -- without venturing into "emo" territory?
3. Youth Group - "Sorry"
As delicate as anything on their flawless debut. I wonder why it took so long to be released in America....
4. The Format - "Pick Me Up"
"Dog Problems" is just the gift that keeps on giving, now isn't it? A good transitional record for anyone you know (perhaps a lady friend) who's still stuck on Top 40 radio.
5. Sloan - "The Lines You Amend"
Damn these Canadians, they're an unstoppable force!
6. Nada Surf - "Happy Kid"
There's a sense of urgency here that's missing on much of the band's recent output. Nothing against that stuff, it's great, but I've always been most fond of their sophomore effort, "The Proximity Effect," where songs like this were a dime a dozen.
7. Of Montreal - "Rapture Rapes the Muses"
I have no idea what Kevin Barnes is singing about here, but this is bona fide ear candy. Undeniable.
8. Dig - "Whose Side You On?"
Another one of those CMJ finds from way back when that I thought I should pass on. Enjoy.
9. The Afghan Whigs - "Crazy"
1998's "1965" was all about being in love ... the complete opposite of Greg Dulli's next project, the dark, epic Twilight Singers.
10. Angelo Badalamenti - "Theme from 'Twin Peaks'"
While I would happily put this monumental track on any mix tape, this inclusion comes with some great news: Not only is Paramount finally releasing season two, but there are rumors that a complete series box set will include the VHS-only (or import-only DVD) of the series' pilot, which is probably the most spectacular piece of film available anywhere. Phew, I'm so excited ... you could almost knock me over with a feather.
11. Fancey - "Carry Me"
Something about being a member of the New Pornographers.... (You can tell, and it's great.)
12. The Who - "See Me, Feel Me" (Live at Leeds)
While not as explosive as the Woodstock version, it's included simply because *pout* I can't find my Woodstock version anymore.
13. Minutemen - "Toadies"
Admission: I hadn't heard this song until last week. Sad, I know, but what I wonder is: This sounds an awful like a few songs by the band the Toadies -- do you think this is where they got their inspiration?
14. Toadies - "Mister Love"
For many, this was their introduction to the Toadies after buying "Rubberneck" for "Possum Kingdom." ("Mexican Hairless" doesn't count. No words.)
15. Audio Learning Center - "Favorite"
Nice percussion work, easy to sing along with ... probably a band for the kids, though.
16. The Lassie Foundation - "She's the Coming Sun / She's Long Gone"
Like a lot of the Elephant 6 output, there's a lot going on here. Thick, but great tune.
17. Tim Fite - "For Starters"
This is actually just a brief throwaway track, but it serves as a nice intro to the Moaners.
18. The Moaners - "Heart Attack"
And their holy mother hurricane otherwise known as "Heart Attack." (Think a more tolerable Squatweiler.)
19. Sport Murphy - "You Lousy, Stinking Scumbag"
Another throwaway that's kind of funny.
20. P.O.S. - "Crispin Glover"
If you don't own the "P.O.S. is Ruining My Life" single, I recommend it: This B-side is well worth the dough.
21. Beck - "This Girl That I Know"
This is a weird track. It was included on copies of "The Information" purchased at Best Buy. I felt guilty buying the album there, but I'm glad I didn't miss out on this track. Almost more enjoyable than anything on the album proper.
22. Dave Mehling - "Idaho"
This guy's great, but I won't spoil anything because my next A&E feature is on him.
23. The Meat Purveyors - "The Madonna Trilogy"
Have you ever wanted to here Americana versions of "Like a Virgin," "Lucky Star" and "Burning Up"? Me neither, but this stuff is surprisingly great.
24. My Morning Jacket - "Mahgeetah"
They say you never forget your first MMJ song, and this would be it for me. It's kind of out of this world.
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