Friday, January 12, 2007

Shameless Budgeteer Plug No. 9

Wow, what a week. Monday was a day I'll remember my entire life. I got to follow around Mayor Herb Bergson for the entire day. And, on top of that, it was the day of his final* State of the City address, so it was quite interesting. The results can be found in the story "A day in the life of Mayor Bergson" and its accompanying photo gallery. (Check out the view from that office!)

As expected, my favorite entry (7:43 a.m. Shoot, I’m a little early. I was really hoping my first entry would’ve been “8:05 a.m. -- Arrive five minutes late. Introduce self as ‘Matt from the News Tribune.’”) was the one that was cut.

Anyway, my contributions to the paper were rounded out by "Duluth: A two-cellist kind of town?" (about Josh Aerie** and his Sunday Musicales series at Torke Café) and some book reviews, "Making Karl Marx proud and Minnesota (Not) Nice revisited."

For next week, I'm working on a Lake Superior Brewing Company feature, a CD review of the Gallows' new album (which might be a joint affair with the new State Champs record, I'm not sure), a feature on Duluth's only (the world's only?) crayon artist and ... an undisclosed "Discover Duluth" photo essay. I've been getting some great feedback on that series, so that makes me really happy.

*As he would lead us to believe.
**I don't like to applaud my own endeavors, but my portrait of Aerie was probably the highest quality shot I've snapped for the Budge. I am quite proud!

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